DIIV is Coming to Fingerprints to record a LIVE Podcast with Q&A and Signing 5/25 at 6pm

DIIV and their fellow representatives of the Soul-Net corporation will be hosting a live in-person Q+A at the Footprints record store in Long Beach May 25 at 6pm which will be recorded for a special episode of The DIIV Podcast. See the world through your THIRD EYE: reserve a spot at this historic summit NOW at fingerprintsmusic.com. 
All RSVP requests are now closed and have been emailed a confirmation. There is still space for walk ups at the door so feel free to come.
Place your order for FROG IN BOILING WATER on INDIE EXCLUSIVE LP or SHINY CD to be added to the priority guest list with signing afterward. Once ordered, your name will be added to the priority guest-list. If you would like to bring a friend, you may purchase 2 copies.

Please see our Events FAQs page for arrival recommendations, parking advice and answers to other frequently asked questions.


DIIV Live Podcast Q & A and Signing